Redefining the Southern Nicola Group: Petrographic and Structural Characterization of the Eastgate-Whipsaw Metamorphic Belt, Southern British Columbia (NTS 092H/02E)
The Late Tri as sic–Early Ju ras sic Nicola Group in south-cen tral Brit ish Co lum bia and its north ern con tin u a tion, the Takla Group, con sti tute the vol ca nic arc that de fines the ex tent of the Quesnel terrane (Fig ure 1). It hosts eco nom i cally sig nif i cant alkalic por phyry cop per-gold de pos its, in clud ing those at Cop per Moun tain, High land Val ley, Mount Milligan and Mount Polley. Past geo log i cal map ping of the Nicola Group by Rice (1947), Preto (1972), Mortimer (1987) and Mon ger (1989) es tab lished its dis tri bu tion and di vided it into three dif fer ing belts. How ever, the south west erly por tion of the Nicola Group, south of the town of Prince ton, on the east ern bound ary of Man ning Park, was not as signed to any of the three ma jor belts, al though Mortimer (1987) sug gested it may be a part of the calcalkaline west ern belt.
منابع مشابه
Geology of the Granby Fault, an Eocene Extensional Fault in Southeast British Columbia
The Grand Forks complex, northern equivalent to the Kettle dome in the United States (e,g, Cheney, 1977; Cheney, 1980; Rhodes and Cheney, 1981), is one of many exposures of high-grade metamorphic rocks of North American miogeoclinal affinity in the southern Omineca Belt (Figure 1). These structural culminations bounded by Tertiary normal faults, often collectively referred to as the Shuswap com...
متن کاملMineral Potential of the Southern Coast Belt, Cape Caution Area, British Columbia (092L, 092M)
This report discusses the geology and mineral potential of a segment of the southern Coast Mountains, near Cape Caution (straddling NTS areas 092L, 092M). The information presented is based on field visits, public domain reports and old staking records. The area was covered by a Ministry of Energy and Mine’s lake sediment survey in 1999. The program is discussed in Jackaman et al. (1999), this ...
متن کاملGeology of the Amber - El Amino Area , Ecstall Metamorphic Belt , British Columbia ( NTS 103 H )
The Amber El Amino area is located 75 kilometres southeast of Prince Rupert. Access to the area is by helicopter from Prince Rupert or Terrace (Figure 1). The El Amino showing (BC MINFILE 103H 071) is located on Sulphide Creek (Figure 2) which drains eastward into Hanna (El Amino) Creek. The Amber showing (BC MINFILE 103H 171) is located 700 metres north of the El Amino showing. Hanna Creek dra...
متن کاملGeology of Mission Ridge, near Lillooet, British Columbia
The purpose of this study is to determine the geometry and timing of movement on internal and bounding structures of the Bridge River terrane in the vicinity of one segment of the 1988 LITHOPROBE southern Cordilleran transect, near Lilloo&, British Columbia (Figure l-12-1). Specifically, the orientation of the major faults (Yalakom, Marshall Creek and others) is addressed in order to assist in ...
متن کاملField Constraints on Diverse Igneous Processe:~ in the Iron Mask Batholith
The Iron Mask batholith is an Early Jurassic composite alkaline intrusion located southwest of Kamloops in southcentral British Columbia (Figure 2-6-l). It lies in the southern portion of the Quesnel trough in the lntermontane tcctonic belt. It is a northwest-trending body approximately 22 kilomctres long and 5 kilometres wide intruding volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the eastern belt of the ...
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